The salty lagoon of Torrevieja


Many times we think it is essential to travel to the other part of the world to see amazing natural landscapes, until we realice that some of them are next to here, and even we can be lucky of having those views from our houses.

The salty lagoon of Torrevieja is a huge lake, not very deep, but large, with 1400 hectareas, which is part of the Parque Natural de las Lagunas de La Mata y Torrevieja, a protected area since 1992. Here it produces salt from (at least) the 14th century, and with 800.000 tons per year, this is one of the most productive in Europe.

But there is something really special why this salt lake is very famous; the color of the water is pink, for that reason there is something magical in this place, like from the other world, that give us every single day one of the most beautiful sunsets that you can see.

It is precisely this microalgae that gives that color, which produces that, in addition that the estetic value is undeniable, this is completely full of life because this is the basis of the diet of some bird species like the slender-billed gull, and specially for the flamingos, whose pink plumaje is due to  that algae. A singular and majestic bird that year by year chose this lake for raising their chicks, and give us the opportunity to see them over the water.

If you want to know more, you just have to go to their information offices, where you could make some environmental education activities and where you could know more tan 150 flora species.

With no doubts, this is one more reason to make your life “la vie en rose” with your new house in Costa Blanca, in our Nature Views residential wih direct views to this amazing place.

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